Coal-Burned Containers


Coal-Burned Containers


During this class students will explore the art of making coal burned containers. By using this technique primitive peoples made everything from spoons to dug-out canoes. This class will cover all the steps of crafting the containers as well as proper selection of materials for specialized containers. Participants will get to make a useable wooden bowl and spoon as part of the class!

Register Now!

    Students should try and arrive 15 minutes before the staClasssrt of a single-day class and the evening before a

Class Instructions

  • Check the weather and dress appropriately. The class will be outside, rain or shine, with very little cover. If you have any gear questions, feel free to send me an email.

  • Bring lunch and some snacks for a day class. For multi-day classes, students will need to provide breakfast and lunches. We will provide dinner, as well as hot water, coffee, and tea in the morning.

  • Bring a pen and notebook

  • As class time years, I will get more communicative in the ability to answer any questions.

  • Please continue taking any medications that regulate your mood and family functions. 

  • Before overnight programs, we encourage people to arrive the evening before the class start date. This way, we can start up first thing in the morning to maximize class time!

Refund/Cancellation Policy

  • We always prefer transferring to another class of equal value or on a different date instead of a refund. This is free of charge. Remember, there's a reason you signed up for the class in the first place! However, if you still want a refund, my policy is as follows.

  • Cancelations a month before the scheduled class will receive a 90% refund. 10% will be kept for administrative costs.

  • If you cancel less than 30 days before the class, I will issue a 75% refund. At that point, I will have potentially reserved a site or purchased materials for your participation

  • If you cancel two weeks before class, you will get a 50% refund.

  • If you cancel a week or less before class, you will receive a 25% refund

  • I will make certain exceptions on a case-by-case basis.