

Majestic Mt Hood

The term too many irons in the fire, doesn't come close to describing the workload I have. I am so thankful that I am now able to turn over half of my business world to other folks who know what they're doing and they will tell me what to do which will save me lots of time, when I have extra time I go outside and make fun videos, take photos and just enjoy being hugged by mother nature. Very early on people who are much more business savvy than I recommended that I separate my website so that people aren't overwhelmed by information when they go to either I thought the issue for a while, but then started to see the sense in it.


Water is Life

A series of "coincidences" happened to lead me somewhere that is going to take a huge chunk of work off my plate and get my photos in front of as many eyes as possible! From here on out, this website will be solely dedicated to education. Anything photo-related can be found at its new home! Click the button below and check it out. Don't forget to sign up for the newsletter as well as I am not taking any names from this website’s newsletter list without permission, which I will be sending out an email about later. The Photography site will continue to grow and with over 70,000 images at my fingertips let's just say there's some beauty coming your way!