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The Nature Paradigm:A Bright Future For All Beings (ONLINE)

  • FutureNature LLC United States (map)
The Nature Paradigm:: Awareness, Caretaking , and Ushering in a Brighter future for all beings

Our Species is meant to live in small groups in a natural setting. We are meant to be intimately connected with all the being around us. Unfortunately, our technology has outpaced our evolution. In a very short span of time, we've gone from living in nature to cramming ourselves in the cities and towns. We find ourselves surrounded by strangers, and our brains are sometimes at odds about dealing with it. Some people are fine, while others struggle with mental health issues, addiction, and a sense of emptiness. We all crave peace, love, joy, and purpose. Our society tells us early on that those needs can be found by having lots of money and material possessions. From an early age, we are taught to strive towards goals at a breakneck pace, only to reach the end of our lives and realize how much we missed. The prize is not found at the end of the trial. The magic lies in the journey.

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